Friday, February 15, 2008


McCain Aide Says He Will Quit if Obama Gets Nod
Thursday, February 14, 2008 12:18 PMBy: Newsmax Staff
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Mark McKinnon, a top adviser to Republican presidential front-runner John McCain, says he will quit the campaign if Barack Obama wins the Democratic nomination.
McKinnon — a Democrat-turned Republican who was President Bush’s chief media adviser in 2004 — told National Public Radio he would leave the McCain team to avoid involvement in any attacks on Obama.
“I met Barack Obama. I read his book. I like him a great deal,” he said.
“I disagree with him on very fundamental issues. But I think … it would be a great race for the country and I would simply be uncomfortable being in a campaign that would be inevitably attacking Barack Obama.
“I think it would be uncomfortable for me, and I think it would be bad for the McCain campaign.”
© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved

This is a bigger turning point, I think, than all the Unions who back Obama, or the Superdelegates choosing him. I mean, if your opponent's people DO NOT WANT to oppose you--my God, that's POWER.Think about it--think what a President Obama could accomplish in the rest of the world!


Stephen Miller said...

I'm not surprised that Obama might inspire people to hear their own conscience and do what's right for the nation and our people, but I am surprised this happened to a republican operative... there's hope!

Lisa Nanette Allender said...

Hi there, new person--thank you for dropping in, and do come by again, soon!
I am SO excited about what is being said, discovered, etc., regarding Senator Obama's chances to become our nominee, and then PRESIDENT!
"Yes, We Can!"