So I think except for the pollen, it's a great, big wide open world. That I can't handle any more joy. That even though I've lost people(and one sweet, special doggie!) very dear to me in the past few years, I wake up on Spring mornings, knowing life is here. For us, the living. That I lose patience with those who refuse to "seize the day". That I like this tapping of my fingers against the keys. That I'd prefer to have a Mac to type this, but right now, I'm just writing. Saying a tiny bit of what's traveling through my head:
My sis, Tina is working on a great big wonderful project: helping to change Florida's ridiculous coda which insists that LGBT folks can "foster", but not adopt children. A quote from my beautiful (inside and out) sis:
"If they can provide 'safe haven' as a foster-parent, they should be able to adopt. I want to change this law; get an amendment, whatever it takes...."
God Bless You, kid! You rock, woman!
My honey, Hansoo turns 37 soon(ahhh, 37--I was once so young!) and I love how his hair has just a tiny, few strands of gray. How distinguished(yes, I know that is a cliche' way to describe it)he looks. That he makes the best mashed potatoes I've ever eaten(with fresh garlic, whole cream, etc...).That I love Chapchae(sometimes spelled Japjae--Korean noodles with vegetables--yum!) and Hamool Panjun(delicious "pancake" of green onion, veggies, and sometimes seafood). That I love learning to cook Korean food. That I hope I can be the best partner to him. That my life is more extraordinary than I could have imagined, years ago. Or maybe even weeks ago.That I'm so fortunate that my parents are alive, and that I am emotionally very close with them, even if geographical distance prevents me from getting to see my Daddy as often as I'd like. That I have a lovely, smart niece, who is working hard in her field of choice--a life in healing others....
What do you feel good about in your own life? What keeps you feeling life is worth living?
Have a peaceful, peace-filled Tuesday...
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Home Broker, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
^ Spam alert!
Nice post, Lisa.
Meeting people like you, unexpectedly, makes life worth living. So does the wind in trees, the laughter of children, rain on flowers and freshly made chocolate banana bread. It is so important to look at our blessings instead of focussing on what we don't have. This post has made me feel all happy!
Thanks, Coll, and Selma--you guys make my week!
A big NO THANK YOU to the "spammer-man"....
Great entry. Thank you.
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