Saturday, August 30, 2008

He is already the leader in our nation. The legal recognition of that leadership will be when he is elected President this November 4th!
I was so captivated by Senator Clinton's speech, President Bill Clinton's speech, South Carolina Representative James Clyburn 's speech, Senator Joe Biden's VP acceptance speech, and most especially, long-time Civil Rights activist and current(since 1987) 5th-District Representative John Lewis, of Atlanta.
Hear his "...Down-payment on the fulfillment of a Dream."

All of it was a warm-up for the speech which Senator "Barack the house" (my term for his seizing of the historic moment, and his ability to absolutely enthrall the audience) Obama gave, on Thursday night....
I was rather surprised the speech Thursday had little of the soaring language with which I've come to associate Senator Obama . No complaints here, I think Senator Obama decided it was much more important to be practical, and outline in detail all the ways in which he will address the many, many problems he'll inherit, once he's President of the United States.And he did so, brilliantly. Before the largest audience in the history of convention-speeches (not to mention the 60 million or so watching at home), he addressed all the issues on which he differs dramatically from Senator McCain. Gay rights, Abortion, Gun rights,Global warming/Climate Crisis etc....and I kept thinking, he's doing precisely what he's been saying he'd do: by illustrating where he stands, and then attempting to find "common ground", he's ALREADY reaching across the aisle. Any Republican or Independent or Libertarian, or Green Party member watching Thursday night would have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to see what is obvious: this is a man of such courage, that he is willing to speak directly to issues which are controversial--and detail his non-wavering, steadfast opinions on them--and he is of such character, that he is willing to listen to others' viewpoints and then work to find common ground, so goals may be reached.
Only the most hardcore of Fundamentalist-Christians(and some in that camp aren't going to vote at all; I'm certain we'll soon read that many of their women-folk will refuse to vote for a ticket that contains a woman on it, or to quote my extremely Fundamentalist cousin in Florida, Cheryl B., "I'd never vote for a woman, they're too emotional."(She said this in an e-mail railing against Obama and Hilary, only a few months ago, kids--that's right--in 2008, there are still people--nice, well-meaning folks who believe a woman cannot lead!!).
The Right-Wing Robots(listeners of talk-radio who let Sean Hannity,Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh and lately, even Neal Boortz(he manages to support gay rights, though his views are ugly, and knee-jerk on most other issues!) do their thinking for them) will be voting for someone else, this November.
Those of us who read, those of us with critical thinking skills, those of us with a measure of empathy (for our country--for our "brothers and sisters" as Senator Obama intoned Thursday night), those of us who know that as a country, we can do better, will be voting Democrat.
Peace, kids.


Anonymous said...

Well, I hope he makes it, I really do. I wish him all the best.

DeadMule said...

Hi Lisa, I have to agree with you. Great analysis. I must admit Former President Bill Clinton can give one powerful speech. I'd forgotten how powerful he is.

And John Lewis. I fell in love with him when I read "Walking With the Wind." Although inspired and hopeful, I didn't cry at this convention, except seeing John Lewis. It's worth voting for Obama just to satisfy his dream, even if it weren't for the collective dream and for my own.

I hope more and more people are able to look beyond McCain's 35 useless years in Washington and attempts at character assassination for Obaba. I'll be voting Democrat and encouraging others to do so, also.

DCH said...
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DCH said...

I read. I can think critically. It's not actually possible to have empathy for a nation (that's misuse of diction), but accepting the metaphor, I "have empathy for this country". I am not, however, voting Democrat.

I vote for people, not parties, and I base that vote on how well I think they can execute their office. Sometimes that person is a Democrat, and sometimes a Republican. Too rarely, it is neither.

I watch both candidates with interest. Obama himself is interesting... he is certainly a fresh voice, and it's possible that just bringing in something "different" to shake things up might be a good thing - revolution for the sake of revolution. He's not actually qualified for the office, of course - but then, some great Presidents have come ot of nowhere. Lincoln comes to mind, for example.

To blanketly declare that anyone who doesn't agree with YOU, and vote simplistically "Democrat", is some kind of unlettered "robot" is frankly insulting. I hope people who are "voting Obama" are doing so because they actually want to, and not because they worry what they'll look like to their other liberal-minded friends.

Kowtowing never made good democracy.

Lisa Nanette Allender said...

To Selma--Thanks. I think he'll do a great job!
To Deadmule-- Thank you lots! I think it's AMAZING how many folks believe simply because someone fought(and fought valiantly, etc.)they are qualified to be President. My Uncle Lee served two tours of duty in Vietnam, and, like McCain, it deeply affected him. It does NOT mean he can be President.
To "Comment Deleted"--Don't know what you posted, but feel free to visit again, if you are reading.
To Brrrooom-- Of course I am voting as always, for the best candidate, the best person for the job. And I hope others are, too. But this year, the platform of each party is extrememly important, because SO MUCH is a mess. Certainly no one--not even Senator Obama--can fix everything. But he is as you say, a fresh voice. And I believe he's a clean start to "cleaning house".
I certainly hope for more of his reach-across-the-aisle-moments. He's much better at it than I.
But I do try to have empathy.
For our country.
(and yes, I know that's not a complete sentence, no verb, etc. etc., but it makes a statement, a sound of a different sort)