Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Twice in the past few days, I spoken about HIV/AIDS and how I've lost people dear to me...
Here's an update on the statistics, from;

Shocking HIV/AIDS Statistics

From December's Spotlight on Health: HIV/AIDS Awareness

According to Dr. Julie Gerberding, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the face of AIDS has changed from being primarily a disease of white men, to a disease of people of all colors and both genders. Educate yourself about HIV/AIDS in America and around the world:

Worldwide, 38.6 million people are currently living with HIV. (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, 2006)
Since 1981, AIDS has killed more than 25 million people worldwide. (UNAIDS)
There are more than 1 million Americans living with HIV…more than 250,000 of them don't even know it. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Women represent a growing share of newly reported AIDS cases in the United States. Available data suggests that 76 percent of all new HIV diagnoses among American women are the result of unprotected heterosexual sex. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
According to the most recent data, AIDS is the number one killer for African-American women ages 25 to 34. The most recent data suggests that African-American women are more than 20 times more likely to be diagnosed with HIV than white women. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Of the 93,566 American women living with AIDS in 2004, 60 percent were black and 19 percent were white. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

So there you have it.
I ask you each to meditate and pray on this subject. And talk about this with your family and friends. Because, as we said in the mid-1980's...
SILENCE = DEATH..........

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