Thursday, June 21, 2007

Last night on The Tonight Show, Jay Leno spoke about a recent discovery by scientific researchers:Gays and Lesbians have Index Fingers which are BIGGER than their Ring Fingers....
Okay, now that you've checked your own hands, let me share something rather amazing with you:
I looked at one of my hands:Index finger much shorter and smaller than my Ring finger(this would indicate not Gay--but since I identify as Bisexual, this puzzled me)....Then I looked at my other hand--sure enough, my Index finger on that hand is indeed longer than my Ring finger...which I find sooooo amusing! It appears I am a "true" Bisexual--one hand "straight", the other hand, "lesbian"...

What I think would be just great, is if we could all stop having to "label" one another, and simply live in peace--no religious- diviseness, or sexual orientation-diviseness, race-diviseness, etc...We GLBTQ folks have often felt it necessary to identify publicly, because it's only when other folks see our sexual orientation is just ONE part(albeit an important part) of WHO we are, that we can be treated with the same respect & dignity everyone else takes for granted...

It's 2007, and it IS time to take PRIDE in whoever you are, however you identify!
With that in mind, I heartily encourage ALL of you to become more inclusive--- and to come on OUT to Atlanta Gay Pride--- this weekend!
I'll be chillin' at Outwrite Books on Saturday night--hope I see you there!

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