Friday, January 16, 2009

More on Art--A Secretary of The Arts, to be exact!!

I've posted already today, on painter Andrew Wyeth's passing.
I've been thinking about how we are quite primitive in our support for the arts. Read how we can become a much more civilized society, with true support for the arts--and artists--by clicking on to sign the petition(sent to me by eternal friend, Jeanne Adams)below.


Quincy Jones has started a petition to ask President-Elect Obama to appoint a Secretary of the Arts. While many other countries have had Ministers of Art or Culture for centuries, The United States has never created such a position. We in the arts need this and the country needs the arts--now more than ever. Please take a moment to sign this important petition and then pass it on to your friends and colleagues.

Happy New Year!
Peace, kids.


Lydia said...

Great idea, and signing it will be a wonderful way to commemorate the life of Wyatt.

Lisa Nanette Allender said...

Lydia--Thank you, and yes, you're right--it IS a great way to honor Andrew Wyeth.