Have you ever been going along in life, wondering whatever happened to Ms. So-and-So, your ol' pal from the dorm you called home at University?
Weeeeel, I've been doing that for several years now....One Susan I knew(I knew a few),this one a talented photographer who I lost touch with after graduating from U.S.F...I tried several times, but could not locate her...
The most recent time I was thinking(and PRAYING!) to find her, was just last week...and lo and behold! Viola! A few days later...
in my e-mails was one labeled under "Subject"--"Alpha Dorm, USF--do you remember me?"
Although Susan had never heard from me(her last name was a very common one, which made it impossible for me to locate her), she had decided to simply Google me...and you know the rest, I bet....
She sent this touching e-mail, complete with "I went to your site...wondered what happened to you...I'm proud of you..."
I responded with a two line "WOW---I bet you won't believe how DESPERATELY I've been trying to find you. Please call me.."
And she did.
We had a marathon phone call, and did all the reconnecting two people can do, after over twenty-five years away from one another...
I may even feature a photo Susan took of me, for her U.S.F. photography class---I was around 20 at the time---for my book, "Words From Water: Poems".
The photo(the pics she shot were black and white, elegant, stark, and some were topless)that I'm recalling dovetails nicely with the themes in my book of poetry--erotic love, and lost love(and innocence)...
Now, if she can just find those pics...
If there's someone you haven't been in touch with, go Google them.I'm very blessed that ol' "Susan M." did...
Peace, kids...
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